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Post Info TOPIC: A place to say hello, or leave a message for an old friend.

░░ I Must DiScoMboBulATe You All..░░

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RE: A place to say hello, or leave a message for an old friend.

just noticed this on the 4870 i was watching..


trouble is, that could either be a GPU fault, or a cooling fault, tbh, if i got the card i was gonna get a different cooler for it anyway, but if it's the actual GPU then the card would probably be useless under load :( i had a similar issue with an old 7900gt, which Scan had to replace as unrepairable...


░░ I Must DiScoMboBulATe You All..░░

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@ mercy, just a swift update re= splitfish.. only had a 10min play so far, & only on fall of man 1 (which is an old old game)

pro's = it's miles better than a standard console controller for FPS games, & all the buttons feel quite natural & feel well placed & easy to reach etc.

con's = the wires are a bit of a pain, tbh if i where doing it again, i'd try the fragenstien one, which is fully wireless, also, whilst the mouse is very smooth when looking around normaly, & is also smooth when "sweeping" around in zoom sights, if your camping with the sniper, that initial movement as you train your sights on the enemy, is a little bit jerky, easily fixed if you keep your finger on the mouse sensitivity wheel & dial it down, then back up as you carry on moving, but it's a bit of a niggle... tho, this may only effect fall of man 1, i'll let you know asap if it's an issue on MW2 etc :)


Ex {BFG} Still Admin

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I thing i will get one ogs....

BTW, whats your PS3 nick?

And BTW, my HD5870 has gone tits up again. 30 FPS in cod4..... i am banging ma head on the keyboard as i dont know whats wrong with it... Its been tested and its not faulty.....


Im just changing drivers again now........

Blitz, any ideas?? anyone??


{BFG} Forever!

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- can u post a 3dmark 06 result to give an idea of the power of the beast with your cpu specs & freq
-can u post a link to the exact model u have (or tell the exact references and manufacter)
-do u still have UT3 installed? it s an excellent test (or crysis or any other "modern" games using a different engine
UT3 and all COD games have very specific results on your rig....sometimes extremly illogical or just randomly...u need to try another game that hurt rigs to be sure that the GFX is involved and not the engine ;)
-ATI common cards (except specific cooled models) always have cooling problems and thoses problems often affect performances and sometimes simply stop the pc; did u check ur GFX temperatures in full charge?
-did u try different drivers? for example i had to try 5 different whql drivers to get my sli of 9800gtx+ working in a "normal" way...same for sis 9800gtx one and same for my sli of 8800gt...which one do u use actually?

@og:i have ask to a canadian mate who is using alternativly a 9800gt and a 4870(single gpu)

here's his reply:


Lot's of manufacturers didn't use a good cooling solution for the Radeon 4870 nor the X2. Mine is made by Saphire & use a better cooling than the reference model.

My prob is that my old BFG GF8800 was defect so BFG send me a GF9800 as the replacement card. Meanwhile, I bought the Radeon 4870 & when the GF9800 arrive, I put it in my closet lol

I switch my Radeon / GF9800 few weeks ago because the Unrel Editor & ATI 4xxx series don't work well together (I get to much BSOD while editing materials at a point that I was force to switch GPU's). For playing it's a much better card but for editing I had prob so that is why I use the GF9800 instead so I could test if the card work well (which as corrupt rendering after a while I use the editor & must reboot the PC).

But no, I don't have noise prob with mine. In fact the blower is very wide & doesn't generate to much noise. The card don't make more noise than the GF9800 GT & perform much better.

I search the net a bit to show you thwe difference between the first release edition & the other revision which is called Toxic :

reference cooler  

better cooler

-- Edited by stevelois on Tuesday 9th of February 2010 06:50:27 PM"

in several other places i have read about cooling problems on first release models:noise & too hot ;if i remember well coke had such problems with a ATI model...when it was hot he wasnt abble to play anymore...not sure though
anyway if u plane to replace the cooling 90 euros is a a nice price

i hope this can help ;)

-- Edited by BFG Blitz on Tuesday 9th of February 2010 10:27:12 PM


░░ I Must DiScoMboBulATe You All..░░

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thanks blitz, & please thank your friend for me :) if i decide to take a chance on the card (only if the money is right lol) i was gonna change the cooler anyway, as i am allways seeing coolers for that model on ebay, so i assume the stock one is rubbish :)

@ Mercy, a little edition re = splitfish.. whilst the thumbstick side of the controller is very well made, with very little deadspot on the thumbstick, & good quality buttons etc, the mouse is not as well built, i wouldnt say it's very poor quality, & it does work well, if you try to compare it with a pro/semi pro PC mouse then you will be disapointed.

i dont regret buying it in the slightest as it's miles better than a dualshock for the type of games i like, but at the same time, with hindsight i would have bought the fragenstien one instead :)


Ex {BFG} Still Admin

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@ ogs, thanks mate, i will take that on board and look at the other controller

@ Blitz, thanks for that reply mate. I was serching forums and ATI have hidden a proper driver for win 7 on a web page. I found the driver by searching forums

Driver is here =

this driver works a treat......



{BFG} Forever!

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np...glad to hear that u found the "fix" ;)


░░ I Must DiScoMboBulATe You All..░░

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another little update on the splitfish, having plaayed for another hour or so.

firstly, i'm still glad i got it, it's many many times better than a dualshock for fps, but i now have a couple of definate niggles,

1. the jerky movement when using sniper, it's wierd as it doesn't do it all the time' but it happens enough for it to be a real pain.

2. the two main mouse buttons are a bit of a pain, you have to push them in about 5mm before it "triggers" if i wasnt used to using a very good quality pc mouse it probably wouldnt bother me, but the mouse's shortcomings become apparent when switching between the two.

3. on the upside, have you ever wondered how it feels like an opponant only has to look in your direction & your dead ? well, they're probably using one of these types of controllers... honestly, for general of the hip combat it's massively better than standard console controllers... i think it's to do with the aim correction thats built into the console versions as they have wider tolerences for pads which are much slower/less acurate than a mouse....



aka STUmanDO

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intresting topics lads, could have done with a new thread for the controller.

Was looking on that site too, and they do look good.

Will have a nother look soon enough, might be getting uncharted 2 soon, DL the demo
and I liked it allot.

Hey, Get your Bitch ASS back in that kitchen and make me some PIE !!!!


{BFG} Forever!

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░░ I Must DiScoMboBulATe You All..░░

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lol :) love it

on a side note,   i never bothered getting that 4870x2, mostly cos i think i'll be better of updating the mobo first,  the one i got is mega picky with ram,  & i havn't found anything bigger than 2x 512meg sticks that'll work :/  it's like the old p3/4 thing where ram was allways a bitch,  tried 4 different 1 gig sticks & 2 different 2gig sticks,  & theres nowt wrong with the ram, cos it's working fine in connors pc :/ so i'm stuck with 1gig total, & crysis really doesn't wanna run with that :(

can't afford to go the i7 route, which is what i woulda prefered, so i reckon the Phenom 2 quad @ 3.4ghz ea is looking the favourite, since it's only around £130, & maybe spend a little extra for a crossfire board, then just add another 8800gt when it gets tired.

SO,,,, blitz/Mercy.  your the AMD experts :)  is there a reasonably good crossfire board for £50-£90 on the AM3 platform ?

-- Edited by [BFG]TheOgster on Sunday 14th of February 2010 02:23:34 PM


Ex {BFG} Still Admin

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Sorry ogs..... Blitz is the AMD man.

I got INTEL processor and have always had NVIDIA GFX cards until 2 weeks ago when i bought a HD5870.

And to be honest.... as good as the card may be, AMD cant get it to work right, the drivers are s**t and i wish id have waited for NVIDIA GF100 to be released.

Infact, this HD5870 may be going as i am that dissapointed with it. AMD pull yer finger out and write some decent drivers.

Then again , it could be my board, but i doubt it, it should be fine.......

-- Edited by BFG Mercy on Sunday 14th of February 2010 03:55:22 PM


{BFG} Forever!

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@mercy: honnestly i think i hate nvidia drivers as much as u seem to hate AMD was really a hard war to get my sli working with UT3 and crysis and i only have buy nividia gfx but on all models it was a pain to find the right driver (8800gts/8800gt/8600gt/9800gtx/9800gtx+) the only one that have work since day one with stock driver was the 3 years ago!
in fact i m sure it s like a game for em:
9800gtx+ and gt250 use exact same ships and i m sure that they only play with drivers to force peeps to buy new models.....pure shame


-the phenomII940 is a pure asskick in all aplications and i was abble to push it to 3.5ghz in 24/7 with stock cooling and no noticeable change in temperatures ;it s what we can call a "cold hard worker" ,stabble and efficient
lot of people will tell that a i7 lead a phenom on all....perhaps but the phenom is never far behind (phenom:18000pts on3dmark06 / i7 comments^^)

-i personnaly dont trust in AMD gfx at all i always though they are not well cooled and not inovant...and as they arent really cheaper i have prefered to go on a mix AMD cpu/NvidiaGFX
the gfx is the part that u change the more often and there s more choice with Nvidia (u can find the old series more often as they produce new models more often ;)....good deal with end of stock or liqudation series

-for the mobo if u go for a phenom II u dont need to buy a AM3 mobo ; a AM2+ is largely enough and cheaper (+ the AM3 is not really perfect for now and the only big change is the DDR3 support....wich is the thing that need to be "corrected" as it dont work nicely)
the am2+ allow DDR2 and i have actually 4x2gb-1066 ...crysis run like a charm in high setting and quite well in very high (the auto detect have set it on very high alone ;) )








i hope this can help ;)

-- Edited by BFG Blitz on Sunday 14th of February 2010 05:57:15 PM


Ex {BFG} Still Admin

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Weird this

I think i found a fix.

Aparently CCC and 5870 dont like eachother.

I read if you ALT TAB in a game back to windows and then go back to game, CCC syncs with the game and all is well... seems to have worked.

Dirt 2 all settings high, 4 x AA benched at AVERAGE FPS = 61 MIN FPS = 52 with VSYNC on

hope ati fix this soon but for now i will alt tab LOL


{BFG} Forever!

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Posts: 912

haha....nice :)

on some maps on ut3 my fps is "paste" on 12fps....if i type "showbsp" in the console i have an immediate and stabble 150 fps.....i type and retype again :p

same problem for all nvidia sli....from 8600gt to gtx295....we all type and retype again....:p

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