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Post Info TOPIC: A place to say hello, or leave a message for an old friend.

{BFG} Forever!

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RE: A place to say hello, or leave a message for an old friend.

OMG! still some life on BFGs!.... all the best for 2010 old farts ;)

@og: GL for your "bills" affairs....same s**t in lot of places ;)


Ex {BFG} Still Admin

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Hi Blitz..... yes, still some life with old BFG;s biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

Two of us and Ogs .... LOL

-- Edited by BFG Mercy on Saturday 6th of February 2010 12:37:18 AM


░░ I Must DiScoMboBulATe You All..░░

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Posts: 484

you could allways re-open the clan :) theres still plenty of peeps playing on the M3 servers ;)


Ex {BFG} Still Admin

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[BFG]TheOgster wrote:

you could allways re-open the clan :) theres still plenty of peeps playing on the M3 servers ;)

LOL... nah :)


░░ I Must DiScoMboBulATe You All..░░

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Posts: 484

do any of you guys still play ut04 ?


░░ I Must DiScoMboBulATe You All..░░

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xbox 360 only got £82 on fleabay :( quite disapointing when you consider what it came with....


{BFG} Forever!

Status: Offline
Posts: 912

[BFG]TheOgster wrote:

do any of you guys still play ut04 ?

sure...33% ut99.....33%...ut2004.... 33% 1% shattered horizons :p

not seen a lot of peeps on m3 servers lately....had some games with kaishun MDM(aka newton) and seem that the only really active zones are Rankin demo servers(nordic and joltuk) and all the TAM gametype servers.....for the rest it s more empty than a can after a league match :p

i bet u know that u are all welcome on UOF forum....some old mates there ( mostly UT3 mappers it s true ; but 75 % are old farts like us from all around the world ;)

no need to respawn our clan ...BFGs not s like sly team héhé :) 


-- Edited by BFG Blitz on Monday 8th of February 2010 02:11:05 PM


░░ I Must DiScoMboBulATe You All..░░

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Posts: 484

theres usually a good amount of peeps on the M3 servers around 7pm (uk time) :) tho, tbh i'll probably play less when i finaly get another ps3, as i'll probably play modern warfare 2 for half an hour at about 5pm, then another hour later on when the wifes watching corronation street/crapsenders etc ;)



aka STUmanDO

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Been trying to play abit more 2k4, but very hard when people always leave :(

last night, i tried, but after 15 mins of people leaving i gave up

Hey, Get your Bitch ASS back in that kitchen and make me some PIE !!!!


░░ I Must DiScoMboBulATe You All..░░

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i don't have that problem, cos i'm crapp :P

theres a compliment in there somewhere ;)


Ex {BFG} Still Admin

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Posts: 803

My UT2K4 days are over im afraid. I still have it installed but i dont play it.

Getting a bit bored of MW2 aswell, crappy IW.NET doesnt help.

Play some COD 4 with [LTN]Coke and clan, and alway gameing with Tony AKA Sniper.

Looking foreward to new BATTLEFIELD game and i am also considering ALIENS vs PREDATOR.

Havent been playing at all the last week as i bought an ATI HD5870 and could i Fk get it to run right. Eventually found the problem, as usual ATI drivers suck, got it running on 9.8 drivers from last year.

@ Blitz.... is BFG Dead... LOL good reply.... no, its ETERNAl Muwhahahah

cheers all


{BFG} Forever!

Status: Offline
Posts: 912

yeah i m interrested by alien vs predator too and i must admit that i m aswell attracted by mass effect 2.....but 59 euros x2....OMFG!!!

Drivers suxx really hard sometime...last week i had to install a new one for my 9800gtx+ in a hurry:

on UT3 (normally up to 150 fps everywhere):

....with sli on=12fps....with sli off=120 fps....fixed with new driver....

more funny i know a mate with a sli of GTX295 with the same problem.....rofl u pay two gtx 295 to get 12fps....ROFL....nervous one :p


░░ I Must DiScoMboBulATe You All..░░

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got a second hand 40gig ps3 for £100 today :) so assuming it doesn't go ylod, i'll be online from tonight :) only got resistance fall of man (1) at the moment, but should be getting MW2 thur/fri if you fancy a game ?


░░ I Must DiScoMboBulATe You All..░░

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@ Blitz... what do you think about the HD4870x2 dual gpu card, it's to replace a 8800gt, i don't have much money, & might be able to get one of these for about £80 (90 euro ish) but don't really know anything about ATI cards, my last few main cards have been Nvidia, but they seem to have lost the plot since the 8X series cards :(


{BFG} Forever!

Status: Offline
Posts: 912

a single 4870 kick the butt of a 8800gt (for example +10 fps on UT3 with stock settings)
in fact a 8800gt is more close to a 4850
a 4870X2 is a very good card imo and no matter ati or nvidia drivers....they have both problems and the only real deal is to find the right one(u ll probably have to try 2 or 3 drivers to find the right one)
the 4870x2 is born in summer 2008 & it s a good way to not buy brand new material (last generation) u ll save a lot of money and not have to face unknowns or new bugs....more than all u ll find several posts about this gfx to fix anykind of problems....that s always danger zone on last generations

the 4870x2 is extremly long and huge....take mesurements^^
here some observations:
very small and enboxed fan.....cant imagine how noisy and limit on efficience that can be....2 cpus ....;)

for 90 euros....jump on it!

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